This is 9 year old Serenity :) Serenity has multiple diagnoses and complex needs. She was diagnosed with generalised epilepsy at the age of 7. Serenity can suffer multiple seizure types daily. Her tonic clonic seizures are mainly around sleep but she still likes to throw a curve ball now and again to keep us on our toes. As Serenity is now non verbal we made the decision to revert back to co sleeping while we hoped to gain control of her epilepsy. Unfortunately this has not been the case. For two years Serenity has been supervised all through the night by either myself or dad. We are over the moon that we have recently been accepted for a Daisy Garland SATs Monitor grant. We are certain that everyone will be able to rest a little better rather than with one eye open knowing that if Serenity’s sats drop during the night we will be alerted. We will be forever grateful to The Daisy Garland charity for this gift and what they do 🙂💜