The diagnosis of pyridoxine dependency should be suspected in every infant with convulsions in the first eighteen months of life. Certain clinical features may be indicative, including:

  • Seizures of unknown origin in a previously normal infant without an abnormal gestational or perinatal history.
  • A history of severe convulsive disorders, in both the family and the individual.
  • The occurrence of long-lasting focal or unilateral seizures, often with partial preservation of consciousness.
  • Irritability, restlessness, crying and vomiting preceding the actual seizure.*

If large amounts of B6 alone are given, the need for other B vitamins, particularly vitamin B2 and pantothenic acid, is so increased that harm can be done unless they too are supplied.

*Morello, Gaetano. (1996) "Treating Epilepsy Effectively," American Journal of Natural Medicine (October), 14-20.