This is Chase…Our beautiful, kind, caring, thoughtful daughter.
6 months ago Chase suddenly started suffering from Tonic Clonic seizures. These were unpredictable and without warning, turning all our life’s upside down.
Chase’s life instantly changed as she went from being a healthy outgoing teenager to now needing constant supervision with little independence. 
Chase has now been diagnosed with Generalised Epilepsy and although the seizures are still unpredictable the majority happen during sleep. Watching your child suffer these horrific episodes is truly heartbreaking and distressing, it has had a massive impact on our family. The constant worry of not hearing Chase having a seizure at night is extremely difficult for us as parents and also for her younger brother Archie who also worries about his sister. We are currently using an audio system to alert us of Chase’s seizures but have found these can be very unreliable and inaccurate at alerting us. 
Another family kindly recommended we contact The Daisy Garland and apply for a grant for an epilepsy monitor that alerts us of specific seizures through the night. The monitor will allow us to quickly respond to Chase and ensure she is Safe. It will provide her with the immediate care she needs and add some much needed reassurance to bedtimes.
The wonderful people at The Daisy Garland have approved Chase’s application for the monitor and have given us a lifeline. It will give us peace of mind and enable us to support Chase at this difficult time. We are truly grateful for all the kindness shown and the support that you give to families like ours who need these life changing medical equipment.

Thank you.