Teddy was born in January 2022, following a brief period in hospital we were able to bring him home. We were however met with difficulties resulting in another hospital admission. On this occasion Teddy endured a number of months in and out of critical care due to seizures and a newly diagnosed genetic disorder. During his stay in hospital he was trialled with a variety of anti-seizure medication and started on the ketogenic diet, with our dietitian contacting the wonderful Daisy Garland charity for additional support. A combination of medication and the ketogenic diet meant Teddy’s seizures have reduced considerably and we were then able to bring him home. 

Whilst being at home we have found some problems with monitoring Teddy’s vital signs, especially whilst when away from the home meaning very limited ventures out and feeling quite restricted with how far we were able to go. We have been extremely fortunate enough to receive support from The Daisy Garland, who have kindly funded a portable SATs monitor which will make life so much more simpler and places much more accessible for us as a family. Knowing we can monitor Teddy wherever we are, gives us an overwhelming relief and we’re extremely grateful