Thomas was born naturally with the help of ventouse 10 days over his due date.

His first seizure was a febrile one out of the blue days after his first birthday, up until then he was doing well and hitting all milestones.

He continued to have more and more febrile convulsions especially when he had an infection. 

His diagnosis changed when he started having tonic clonic seizures without the temperature.

He went on to epilepsy meds. Lots of trips to the hospital with bumps etc.

He then was having drop attacks and absences. He also had status epilepticus a few times. 

Over the years he tried various meds which affected him by making him aggressive and also the number of seizures he was having had a massive effect on his learning. He regressed in many areas and his speech deteriorated. He is now non verbal.

He tried the Keto diet but unfortunately it was not for him. 

He has a vns fitted and that works to keep the status epilepticus under control. 

He is on three meds at the moment and awaiting an MRI scan and blood tests for genetic testing with a hope to trying cannabis oil. 

I really appreciate being able to be lucky enough to receive the Daisy Garland Epilepsy Monitor as it is a constant worry that Thomas will have a seizure and that I will sleep through it or worse. I feel totally reassured.

Thank you so much Daisy Garland for all the work and support you have given us and many other families. 

Thank you on behalf of my son Thomas, myself and family.