We are hugely proud of the work we do to support some of the 18,000 children in the UK who suffer from drug-resistant epilepsy and our small, dedicated team works tirelessly to help as many children as possible. Here are just a few of the brave and wonderful children we are honoured to support...


"I have some really exciting news!   Isi has been drug free for over 2 weeks! When we started the ketogenic diet 18 months ago Isi was on the maximum dose of 3 anticonvulsant drugs and having 80-100 seizures a day.  Since being on the diet she now has just 1 or 2 seizures a day and is brighter, happier, cheekier and so much more able than she was, both cognitively and physically. This wouldn't have been possible without our Daisy Garland funded Dietitian.  A big thank you to the Daisy team for all you do for us and other families xx”  Sarah

Please click here to read Isi's story.


The Daisy Garland support has been incredible for our family” Rebecca  


"The Daisy Garland have been an amazing charity for us with things from advice on the ketogenic diet, lovely gifts in the post to help us with the diet, help and support for all families that are going through this and even words of encouragement when, like all parents, you just need to know you are doing the right things. It is also lovely to be able to swap/share stories or tips with the other families and even the occasional cyber hug when things get really tough. Just having people there that know exactly what you are going through, so you don’t feel alone, helps normalise our crazy rollercoaster ride a bit" Kate


I don't believe we would still have our precious son
if he had not had access to the ketogenic diet.
I think of you and David every night
when I tuck my boy into bed.
Thank you xx”  Rosalind 


"Ben is now seizure-free, medication free and diet free - thank you Daisy Garland for giving us our son back" Juliet Please click here to read Ben's story


Pre-diet Jessica couldn't even walk to our local shops without needing her wheelchair due to horrible fatigue and exhaustion. Today she walked for 2.5 hours !! We are staggered at how the diet is changing her - thank you for giving us this opportunity for normality xx” Lindsay


I look forward to the future and The Daisy Garland has given me hope that the future is not bleak.” Sheena
Please click here to read Micah's story.