Evelyn I reached out to The Daisy Garland back in December, when my daughter was intubated for a tonic clonic seizure and aspiration. This isn't her first occurrence of overnight seizures and won't be the last. We've had 3 more since all resulting in collapsed lungs from aspirating. When I initially reached out for help, I was lost and desperate, heart broken and I was treated so wonderfully, spoken to so kindly and pointed in multiple directions for help and advice. At the time, I wasn't sure my daughter was big enough for the SATs monitor so we put it on hold. Another rough night time seizure and collapsed lung about 6 months later I reached out again. It was like messaging an old friend, we caught up and I explained what had happened and said I think it's time to try the monitor so I can catch the seizures before they get worse, instead of waking from sleep half way through a tonic clonic to the sound of her choking. No judgement, I was sent what was needed to apply in a heartbeat. I am so thankful for all the help and support we have been given, even asking about my other children and generally being a shoulder when needed. I'm looking forward to being able to actually put Evelyn in her own room now. So she can enjoy her own space. It's been decorated for a year and not touched, which was heart breaking. Thank you Daisy Garland for everything. You're all wonderful x Manage Cookie Preferences