Mindfulness Courses Never before has mental health been so important. Funded through our Daisy Garland Family Support Programme our Beginners and Advanced Mindfulness courses are offered FREE of charge to our families via Zoom. Our courses have been tailor-made for The Daisy Garland and are hosted by Gillian Higgins, international war crimes barrister and Mindfulness practitioner. Since January 2021, 500+ parents/carers and medical professionals have made the time to join our weekly Mindfulness drop-in sessions. These fabulous group sessions teach ways to reduce anxiety, stress and pain. This is a great opportunity for families to get together with other parents/carers going through a similar situation. Here's what 3 of them told us: I didn’t realise just how much I needed this course until I started it. I can honestly say that what I have learnt on this course has been life-changing. Mindfulness has given me the tools to stop and think before I react. In fact it’s opened up a whole new world for me I didn’t even know existed. To sum up the course in three words: intelligent, inspiring and essential. For more information about forthcoming courses please get in touch with [email protected] Manage Cookie Preferences