Ratio    2:1

Total Calories    411 kcals  


Fat                      36.82g

Protein               9.22g

Carbohydrate     9.2g


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20g Ground almonds, Tesco 

16g Eggs, chicken

12g Suet, shredded

10g KetoCal 3:1 Powder (available on prescription)

5g Prunes, ready-to-eat, semi-dried

5g Pecan nuts, kernel only

5g Brazil nuts, kernel only

2g Sweetener, Truvia 



1. Chop the prunes into small pieces.

2. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients together to form a stiff batter.

3. Grease a small glass ramekin and then place in the mixture in the ramekin.

4. Cover with a disc of baking paper with one pleated fold and then cover with foil. 

5. Steam for 20-25 minutes, in a saucepan with water halfway up the side of the ramekin, keep checking the water does not dry up. 

6. Serve straight away or cool before then freezing until needed. To reheat, microwave for 1.5 minutes on med/high. 

Top Tip

Serve with custard, cream or brandy butter.



A Nutricia Recipe

© The Daisy Garland